I help people simplify their wellness journey with healthy resources, natural remedies and delicious recipes.
Hey there! I’m Ksen.
About me
I’m a lot of things : a blogger, Integrative Health Practitioner, a creative & the loudest person in the room — but being a Mama & a wife are my proudest titles.
I grew up insecure & not fully appreciating my body. My unhealthy self image began because there were people in my life who spoke untruths about me — some did it playfully, some did it unknowingly, & some did it harshly. However, there was always an inner voice in me that knew better than to believe the lies.
It wasn’t always easy, and truthfully I still have days of self-doubt, but thankfully as I grew older I gathered the tools to help me feel great & live my best life daily. In turn, I became increasingly passionate about sharing with others so that they, too, can feel great & live fully.
My story
Although I have always been interested in total wellness, my passion was ignited when I was pregnant with our first. My doctor told me I shouldn’t take advil because it could harm the baby & it made me start to question the “whys” of what we put in & on our bodies more deeply. Once our son arrived, I wanted to encourage his body to do what it knows to do naturally. I began to ask questions of trusted sources & research endlessly. I applied what I was learning and bit by bit trusted my motherly intuition more.
Then in 2019, my full-of-life father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Throughout his final months I realized a vital component to complete health — the power of the mind. My 79 year old father didn’t necessarily take the best care of his body, yet he was on zero medications & maintained great energy for his age. I realized that even though cancer took his life, it was his strong, optimistic mindset that helped him live well for almost 80 years. This experience made me connect the dots on how important it is that our mind, body & soul are in alignment — if just one of these is off, the other two will falter.
While getting certified as an Integrative Health Practitioner, RETHINK, RESTORE & RADIATE was born. My goal is to help others rethink their approach to their mindset, restore their bodies to optimal levels & radiate their souls brightly.
Community Detoxes
I lead a group of people every quarter through a 7 day detox to help reset & refresh.
One-on-One Coaching
I help people who crave a healthier lifestyle or are curious about where to start.
Recipes & Remedies
Find everything from natural remedies to easy healthy recipes on the blog.
Schedule a Consult
Are you trying to lead your family to a more natural lifestyle? Looking to reset your health goals? Feeling stuck & wanting a different approach? Lets connect!

Monthly Newsletter & Freebie
Download my free “Healthy Food Swaps” guide when you sign up to receive wellness inspiration, recipes & more.
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Let’s connect & make good things happen!